“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.” This is one of my proudest Instagram reels to date! The Do-Re-Mi of Marketing!
Bringing you a touch of cheesy joy with a basic marketing journey to the Sound of Music in this Instagram Reel…
Knowing your brand, your ideal clients, understanding your key objectives, what your USPs are all contributes to devising your marketing efforts and content strategies. Don’t forget to review and measure along the way (what’s working and what’s not).
This is perfect for those just starting out, for those who have had a break (ugh Covid) or those who have lost their marketing mojo and just need a bit of Sound of Music to inject a bit of fun.
Doe, a deer, a female deer – Know your product, your values and your ideal clients.
Ray, a drop of golden sun – What makes you unique?
Me, a name I call myself – What is your tone of voice?
Far, a long, long way to run – What’s your long term goal?
Sew, a needle pulling thread – How are we going to get there?
La, a note to follow Sew – How do you add sparkle for standout?
Tea, a drink with jam and bread – Review your efforts along the way!
That will bring us back to Do!
I hope you like this! Watch the Reel video over on my Instagram.
I hope it helps you create a basic marketing journey and those tick boxes you need to work through! 💖
Camilla x
Image: Stephan Seeber / Unsplash
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