Does this image feel familiar when it comes to “engaging” on social media?
Engaging with others in the social space is important, it really is, but so is focusing on the job in hand of running your business and marketing it efficiently.
If you find yourself in a bit of an ingenuine game of chasing likes, followers and engagement then you could be at risk of losing sight of your focus, objectives and values. This can then lead on to negative vibes where you don’t enjoy your social media, you start to compare yourself, you watch your like and follower numbers like a hawk and even the imposter syndrome might kick in.
It’s important to engage ABSOLUTELY, but only in a genuine way – i.e. with your ideal clients, accounts you’re inspired by and those you actually like and enjoy supporting.
Important: If you only engage with the same people, i.e. your small business friends, then a) you will ONLY see their posts and not other accounts you actually enjoy and feel inspired by and b) if those small business accounts are longing for your support in return then this might affect others from seeing their posts too (i.e. actual customers rather than just a pool of fellow small business friends).
Being in hefty momentums, bubbles, pods, follow loops (and more) to “support” each other and drive awareness can be so exhausting and not actually convert to what you all want – paying customers. It becomes a distraction and not a mindful, genuine or successful approach to your marketing on social media.
Use any spare time you to focus on spreading your marketing sparkle in other ways, and if you need help with what you could be doing outside of social media then please get in touch.
The precious time and energy you have…use it wisely and efficiently!
Camilla X
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